The programming language Go, part 2

Bas van den Heuvel


Go: Brief Summary

Channels of Channels

Channels are first-class citizens

var ch chan (chan int)

A channel that accepts channels of integers.

This facility enables complex concurrent programming patterns


Multiple clients make requests to a worker on a “public” channel, which acknowledges successful processing on a “private” channel.

package main

import "fmt"
import "time"

type Request struct {
    id  int
    ack chan int

func worker(req chan Request) {
    var c Request
    for {
        c = <-req
        fmt.Printf("request received from %d \n",
        time.Sleep(1 * 1e9)
        c.ack <- 1

func client(id int, req chan Request) {
    var ack = make(chan int)
    for {
        c := Request{id, ack}
        req <- c


func main() {
    var req = make(chan Request)
    go worker(req)
    go client(1, req)
    client(2, req)

Sleeping barber

A more concrete example based on the clients/worker example.

A possible implementation in Go:

package main

import "fmt"
import "time"

const (

type Request struct {
    id  int
    ack chan int

// The worker
func barber(queue (chan Request)) {
    for {
        req := <-queue
        fmt.Printf("BARBER: Serving customer %d \n",
        time.Sleep(1 * 1e9)
        fmt.Printf("BARBER: Done with customer %d \n",
        req.ack <- 1

// The clients
func customer(queue (chan Request), id int) {
    var ack = make(chan int)
    for {
        fmt.Printf("CUSTOMER: %d wants haircut \n", id)
        req := Request{id, ack}
        queue <- req
        fmt.Printf("CUSTOMER: %d sits on chair \n", id)
        fmt.Printf("CUSTOMER: %d served by barber \n", id)
        time.Sleep(1 * 1e9)

func main() {
    queue = make(chan Request, NUMBER_OF_CHAIRS)

    go customer(queue, 1)
    go customer(queue, 2)



Non-deterministic Choice (“select”)

First try:

x = <-ch1
y = <-ch2
ch3 <- 1

What if there is no sender on ch1 but there is one on ch2? The program above gets stuck.

y = <-ch2
x = <-ch1
ch3 <- 1

Gets stuck again, if there is no sender on ch2 but there is one on ch1.

select {
case x = <-ch1:
case y = <-ch2:
case ch3 <- 1:
// default and timeout possible

select works as follows:

  1. select blocks if all events (cases) block.

  2. If one event (case) occurs, the corresponding case is chosen.

  3. If multiple events (cases) occur, one corresponding case is chosen randomly.

  4. The remaining cases are no longer available!

The example demonstrates that select supports mixed communication in that it can manage several send and receive events!

Example: “Random” Choice

package main

import "fmt"

func sel(ch1, ch2, ch3 chan int) {
    select {
    case x := <-ch1:
        fmt.Printf("\n ?ch1 = %d", x)
    case y := <-ch2:
        fmt.Printf("\n ?ch2 = %d", y)
    case ch3 <- 1:
        fmt.Printf("\n !ch3")

// Case selection is "random".
func test1() {
    ch1 := make(chan int)
    ch2 := make(chan int,1)
    ch3 := make(chan int)

    go func() {
        ch1 <- 1

    go func() {
        ch2 <- 2

    go func() {

    sel(ch1, ch2, ch3)

// Events that were not chosen remain available.
func test2() {
    ch1 := make(chan int)
    ch2 := make(chan int, 1)
    ch3 := make(chan int)

    go func() {
        ch1 <- 1

    go func() {
        ch2 <- 2

    go func() {

    sel(ch1, ch2, ch3)
    sel(ch1, ch2, ch3)

func main() {
    for {
        // test2()

Example: Selection is “Fair”


  1. The order of cases does not matter.
  2. The choice is random and almost equally distributed.
package main

import "fmt"
import "time"

func sel(x time.Duration, a, b chan int) {
    as := 0
    bs := 0
    for {
        select {
        case <-a:
            as ++
        case <-b:
            bs ++

func snd(c chan int) {
    for {
        c <- 1

func main() {
    a := make(chan int)
    b := make(chan int)

    go snd(a)
    go snd(b)
    sel(1e6, a, b)

Example: Selection with prioritization

How can we prioritize a case?

Example: Attempt at emulating select in Newsreader

package main

import "fmt"

func reuters(ch chan string) {
    ch <- "REUTERS"

func bloomberg(ch chan string) {
    ch <- "BLOOMBERG"

func newsReaderWithThreads(reutersCh chan string, bloombergCh chan string) {
    ch := make(chan string)

    go func() {
        y := <-reutersCh
        ch <- y

    go func() {
        y := <-bloombergCh
        ch <- y

    x := <-ch
    fmt.Printf("got news from %s \n", x)

func newsReaderWithSelect(reutersCh chan string, bloombergCh chan string) {
    var x string

    select {
    case x = <-reutersCh:
    case x = <-bloombergCh:

    fmt.Printf("got news from %s \n", x)

func test() {
    reutersCh := make(chan string)
    bloombergCh := make(chan string)

    go reuters(reutersCh)
    go bloomberg(bloombergCh)
    newsReaderWithThreads(reutersCh, bloombergCh)
    newsReaderWithThreads(reutersCh, bloombergCh)

Select with timeouts and default

select {
case <-ch1:
case ch2<-1:

Example: Execution of multiple tasks

package main

import "fmt"
import "time"

func task1() { time.Sleep(1 * 1e9) }
func task2() { time.Sleep(2 * 1e9) }
func task3() { time.Sleep(3 * 1e9) }

func barrier() {
    var ch = make(chan int)
    // run all three tasks concurrently
    go func() {
        ch <- 1 // signal done
    go func() {
        ch <- 1
    go func() {
        ch <- 1

    // collect results concurrently
    timeout := time.After(4 * 1e9)
    for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
        select {
        case <-ch:
        case <-timeout:
            fmt.Println("timed out")


func main() {

We effectively model a counting semaphore

Where it can all go wrong

We consider failure scenarios in the context of concurrent programming.


We consider:

Methodic procedure:


A deadlock occurs when all threads are blocked.

The Go runtime system recognizes such a situation and aborts.

Consider the following example:

package main

import "fmt"

func snd(ch chan int) {
    var x int = 0
    ch <- x

func rcv(ch chan int) {
    var x int
    x = <-ch
    fmt.Printf("received %d \n", x)


func main() {
    var ch chan int = make(chan int)
    go rcv(ch)   // R
    go snd(ch)   // S
    rcv(ch)      // Main


We study the possible behavior of the program above. To this end, we use R, S and Main to point to the corresponding threads.

Program execution consists of events such as sending and receiving on a channel. For events, we use the following notation:

ch?    receiving on channel ch

ch!    sending on channel ch


Events are blocking. Receiving is generally blocking. Sending blocking if the buffer is full or if we are using a channel without buffer.

Hence, the question: what is the precise meaning of events? We have the following two options:

  1. Event ch? means that we want to receive on channel ch.

  2. Event ch? means that we have received on channel ch.

The same holds for event ch!.

Hence, we use the following notation:

pre(ch?)     wanting to receive on channel ch
post(ch?)    having received on channel ch

pre(ch!)     wanting to send on channel ch
post(ch!)    having sent on channel ch


We consider a possible program execution expressed as a trace. A trace is a sequence of events and expresses the interleaved execution of individual threads.

Is the trace-based description of program execution related to the state-based execution? Yes, both notations/concepts have the goal to describe (concurrent) program execution. The relationship between the two is somewhat like regular expressions versus finite machines.

To represent traces, we use a tabular notation. We write ch?_1 to refer to the event ch? at trace position 1.

    R         S             Main

1.  pre(ch?)
2.                          pre(ch?)
3.            pre(ch!)
4.            post(ch!)
5.  post(ch?)

In the run above, S communicates with R. This can be read from the trace, because after pre(ch!) in S comes a post(ch!), and after pre(ch?) in R comes a post(ch?). In case of communication (send-receive), we assume that in the trace the post event of the send always occurs before the post event of the receive.

Threads S and R terminate. Thread Main blocks, because there is no communication partner for ch?_2. All threads (here only Main) are blocked. Hence, deadlock!

Consider the following alternative program execution:

    R         S            Main

1.  pre(ch?)
2.                         pre(ch?)
3.            pre(ch!)
4.            post(ch!)
5.                         post(ch?)

In this run, S communicates with Main, and R is blocked. However, since Main terminates, thread R is also terminated. Hence, we do not observe a deadlock.


Consider the following variant of the example above. All channel operations (send/receive) occur in endless loops, so the program does not terminate.

package main

import "fmt"
import "time"

func snd(ch chan int) {
    var x int = 0
    for {
        ch <- x
        time.Sleep(1 * 1e9)

func rcv(ch chan int) {
    var x int
    for {
        x = <-ch
        fmt.Printf("received %d \n", x)

func main() {
    var ch chan int = make(chan int)
    go rcv(ch)   // R
    go snd(ch)   // S
    rcv(ch)      // Main

A deadlock does not occur. However, it is possible that, for example, Main starves (does not progress), because S and R always communicate with each other. Such a situation is considered starvation.

Concrete trace:

    R          S               Main

1.  pre(ch?)
2.                             pre(ch?)
3.             pre(ch!)
4.             post(ch!)
5.  post(ch?)
6.  pre(ch?)
7.             pre(ch!)
8.             post(ch!)
9.  post(ch?)

We assume that S always communicates with R (and never with Main). Hence, lines 6-9 keep on repeating. Extremely unlikely in practice but theoretically possible.


A livelock describes a situation in which always at least one thread is not blocked, but no thread progresses.

A livelock does not occur in the previous example. We will study livelocks in context of the Dining Philosophers exercise.

Data race

A data race describes a situation in which two unprotected, conflicting memory operations (at least one write) occur simultaneously.

Consider the following example:

package main

import "fmt"
import "time"

func main() {
    var x int
    y := make(chan int, 1)

    go func() { // T
        y <- 1

    y <- 1

    time.Sleep(1 * 1e9)
    fmt.Printf("done \n")

We write Main to denote the main thread, and T for the other thread. Besides send/receive events, we also consider write/read events.

We write w(x) to denote a write event on variable x, and r(x) for a read event.

We consider a possible program execution expressed as a trace. We simplify the operation x++ to w(x).

We do not distinguish pre and post events; all events are post events. Hence, we omit pre and post annotations.

     Main        T

1.               y!
2.               w(x)
3.   w(x)

In a program execution (represented as trace), a data race occurs when two conflicting write/read events occur directly after one another. See above.

Consider the following alternative trace:

     Main        T

1.               y!
2.               w(x)
3.               y?
4.   w(x)

In this trace, the data race is no longer visible, because between w(x)_2 and w(x)_4 there is now y?_3.

However, the trace can be reordered such that the data race does occur. The following reordering is allowed:

     Main        T

1.               y!
2.               w(x)
3.   w(x)
4.               y?

We consider another trace:

     Main        T

1.   w(x)
2.   y!
3.   y?
4.               y!
5.               w(x)
6.               y?

In this trace, the data race does not occur.

The problem of reordering traces to detect data races (and more) is a field of research on its own. We will discuss such “dynamic trace analysis” separately.



Exercise 3: Publish/Subscribe

Your task is to implement a publish/subscribe server with multiple example clients.

// publish, subscribe example, adopted from Russ Cox

package main

import "fmt"
import "time"
import "strconv"
import "container/list"

In the following, we incrementally develop a solution.
Firstly, a few necessary data structures.

// Every message consists of a "topic" and a "body".
type Message struct {
    topic string
    body  string

// Every subscriber registers a "topic" and a "news" channel along which messages on the corresponding "topic" can be received.
type Sub struct {
    topic string
    news  chan Message

// The server holds two channels: csub on which subscribers can register, and cpub along which a published sends messages. 
type Server struct {
    csub chan Sub
    cpub chan Message

// Subscriber and Publisher

// A subscriber registers and waits for messages.
func subscriber(server Server, t string) {
    s := Sub{topic: t, news: make(chan Message)}
    server.csub <- s

    for {
        msg := <
        fmt.Printf("topic %s: \n message %s \n", t, msg.body)

// A publisher (here, "slashdot") sends messages along the corresponding channel.
func slashdot(server Server) {
    for {
        m := Message{topic: "slashdot", body: "some news"}
        server.cpub <- m
        time.Sleep(2 * 1e9)

The server manages the subscriber list.
At the same time (via `select`), it listens for subscribers and publishers.
A subscriber is simply added to the list.
A messages from a publisher is sent to the corresponding subscribers.
func pubSubServer(server Server) {
    subscribers := list.New()

    for {
        select {
        case s := <-server.csub:
        case m := <-server.cpub:
            for e := subscribers.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
                s := (e.Value).(Sub) // type assertion
                if s.topic == m.topic {
           <- m // (B)

/* Blocking of the server.

Now, for the question in the exercise: if the server manages all clients in one thread, the server can block when Subscribe clients stop reading messages.
What could alleviate the problem?

func reuters(server Server) {
    i := 0
    for {
        s := strconv.Itoa(i)
        m := Message{topic: "reuters", body: "some news " + s}
        server.cpub <- m
        time.Sleep(1 * 1e9)

func main() {
    server := Server{csub: make(chan Sub), cpub: make(chan Message)}

    go pubSubServer(server)
    go subscriber(server, "slashdot")
    go subscriber(server, "reuters")

    go slashdot(server)

Exercise 4: Quantified Semaphor

We consider an implementation of a buffered channel based solely on channels without buffers.

To simplify, we consider a quantified semaphore. That is, we ignore the actual messages. We expect the following signature:

type QSem
func newQSem(q int) QSem
func wait(QSem)
func signal(QSem)

Note that you need to define QSem yourself. Your implementation should only use ``simple’’ non-buffered channels (otherwise, the exercise is trivial).

Initially, the quantity is set with newQSem. Function wait lowers the quantity and blocks if the quantity is zero. Function signal increases the quantity and blocks if the quantity is equal to the initial quantity. A blocked wait is unblocked by a signal.

We consider an example with four parallel threads. Two threads execute wait, and the other two signal. We assume that the quantity is at most 1, where initially the actual quantity is 1 already.


Example execution

Quantity Thread 1 Thread 2 Thread 3 Thread 4
1 wait wait signal signal
0 D
1 D


Hints and comments

Access to the actual quantity stored in QSem must be protected. To guarantee a mutual exclusion for simultaneous wait and signal, we shall use a mutex (as seen in the previous lecture).

type Mutex (chan int)
type QSem struct {
   q    int     // max quantity
   curr int     // current quantity
   m    Mutex   // guarantee mutually exclusive access

Exercise 5(1): Extending the Sleeping Barber

Extend the Sleeping Barber example:

  1. More barbers.
  2. A channel per barber.
  3. Prioritization, e.g.,
    • Selection of an available barber.
    • Preference.

To repeat, the simple version.

package main

import "fmt"
import "time"

const (

type Request struct {
    id  int
    ack chan int

func barber(waitQ (chan Request)) {
    for {
        req := <-waitQ
        fmt.Printf("BARBER: Serving customer %d \n",
        time.Sleep(1 * 1e9)
        fmt.Printf("BARBER: Done with customer %d \n",
        req.ack <- 1

func customer(waitQ (chan Request), id int) {
    var ack = make(chan int)
    for {
        fmt.Printf("CUSTOMER: %d wants hair cut \n", id)
        req := Request{id, ack}
        waitQ <- req
        fmt.Printf("CUSTOMER: %d sits on chair \n", id)
        fmt.Printf("CUSTOMER: %d served by barber \n", id)
        time.Sleep(1 * 1e9)

func main() {
    var waitQ = make(chan Request, NUMBER_OF_CHAIRS)

    go customer(waitQ, 1)
    go customer(waitQ, 2)

Exercise 5(2): Extending the Sleeping Barber II

Another variant of the Sleeping Barber. We give a few example solutions. Try to figure out how this implementation can fail.

// Sleeping barber variant with distinction among blond and red haired customers

package main

import (

// Barber shall wait for either a group of blonds or reds.
// The quantities for each group are defined by the following constants.
const BLONDS = 2
const REDS = 3

// Sample solution.
func barber(blond chan int, red chan int) {
    seenBlonds := 0
    seenReds := 0
    for {
        // Check if group has been formed.
        if seenReds == REDS {
            fmt.Printf("\n Cutting reds!")
            seenReds = 0

        if seenBlonds == BLONDS {
            fmt.Printf("\n Cutting blonds!")
            seenBlonds = 0

        // Check for blonds and reds wanting to join group.
        select {
        case <-blond:
        case <-red:

// Another attempt.
// Any issues?
func barber2(b chan int, r chan int) {
    for {
        select {
        case <-b:
            select {
            case <-b:
                fmt.Println("Working on 2 blond hair customers")
                b <- 1
                fmt.Println("blond released")
        case <-r:
            select {
            case <-r:
                select {
                case <-r:
                    time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
                    fmt.Println("Working on 3 red hair customers")
                    r <- 1
                    r <- 1
                    fmt.Println("reds released")
                r <- 1
                fmt.Println("red released")

// Customer simulation.
func customerSimulation(ch chan int) {
    x := 0
    for {
        n := rand.Intn(4) // n will be between 0 and 4
        // fmt.Printf("Sleeping %d seconds...\n", n)
        time.Sleep(time.Duration(n) * time.Second)
        ch <- x

func testBarber() {
    blond := make(chan int)
    red := make(chan int)

    go customerSimulation(blond)
    go customerSimulation(red)

    barber(blond, red)

func testBarber2() {
    blond := make(chan int)
    red := make(chan int)

    go customerSimulation(blond)
    go customerSimulation(red)

    barber2(blond, red)

Exercise 6: Dining Philosophers.

We consider the problem of the dining philosophers. The order of forks doesn’t play a role here. That is, we assume that there are n philosophers sitting at one table, and there are n forks. To eat, a philosopher needs two forks.

Attempt 1

This is a possible implementation.

package main

import "fmt"
import "time"

func philo(id int, forks chan int) {
    for {
        fmt.Printf("%d eats \n", id)
        time.Sleep(1 * 1e9)
        forks <- 1
        forks <- 1

        time.Sleep(1 * 1e9) // think

func main() {
    var forks = make(chan int, 3)
    forks <- 1
    forks <- 1
    forks <- 1
    go philo(1, forks)
    go philo(2, forks)
    philo(3, forks)

We model the forks as buffered channels. Every philosopher needs two fork. Hence, reading twice from the fork channel.

What kind of problems can we encounter?

Exercise: give concrete examples (as trace).

Version 2

Here is another attempt.

package main

import "fmt"
import "time"

func philo(id int, forks chan int) {
    for {
        select {
        case <-forks:
            fmt.Printf("%d eats \n", id)
            time.Sleep(1 * 1e9)
            forks <- 1
            forks <- 1
            time.Sleep(1 * 1e9) // think
            forks <- 1

func main() {
    var forks = make(chan int, 3)
    forks <- 1
    forks <- 1
    forks <- 1
    go philo(1, forks)
    go philo(2, forks)
    philo(3, forks)

Version 3

Consider the following variant.

package main

import "fmt"
import "time"

func philo(id int, forks chan int) {
    for {
        fmt.Printf("%d eats \n", id)
        time.Sleep(1 * 1e9)
        forks <- 1
        forks <- 1

        time.Sleep(1 * 1e9) // think

func main() {
    var forks = make(chan int)
    go func() { forks <- 1 }()
    go func() { forks <- 1 }()
    go func() { forks <- 1 }()
    go philo(1, forks)
    go philo(2, forks)
    philo(3, forks)

Which of the problems you described above can still occur?

Exercise 7: The Santa Claus Problem

Problem statement

Santa repeatedly sleeps until wakened by either all of his nine reindeer, back from their holidays, or by a group of three of his ten elves. If awakened by the reindeer, he harnesses each of them to his sleigh, delivers toys with them and finally unharnesses them (allowing them to go off on holiday). If awakened by a group of elves, he shows each of the group into his study, consults with them on toy R&D and finally shows them each out (allowing them to go back to work).

In general, the following priority rule shall be enforced:

Santa gives priority to the reindeer in the case that there is both a group of elves and a group of reindeer waiting.