of {$slidecount} ½ {$title}, {$author}

The programming language Go

Peter Thiemann



Programming language developed by Google: Go

Hello World

package main

import "fmt"

var x int

func hi(y int) {
    fmt.Printf("hi %d\n",y)

func main() {
    x = 1
    fmt.Printf("hello, world\n")

Go Toolchain

For your information: our programs always belong to a single file.

Concurrency (goroutine)

Concurrent execution: “just say go”

package main

import "fmt"
import "time"

func thread(s string) {
    for {
        time.Sleep(1 * 1e9)

func main() {

    go thread("A")
    go thread("B")

Concurrency versus Parallelism

Multi-threading in Go


Thread = independently sequentially executing code

Thread state:

Multithreading = Alternating execution of multiple threads on one CPU

Scheduling = Strategy to switch between running and waiting threads

Preemptive scheduling = Every thread gets a certain slice of time to run, then it is preempted and a waiting thread is selected to run

Cooperative scheduling = A thread runs until a blocking command is encountered, then a waiting thread is selected to run

Blocking commands:

State-based execution

Notation similar to the execution of UPPAAL/communicating automata.

(Main.Running, A.Waiting, B.Waiting)

describes the state in which

  1. the main thread runs, and

  2. threads A and B are waiting.

Consider the following example:

func a() {
func main() {
 go a()

Initially the program state is as follows:


After executing go a(), the state is as follows:

(Main.Running, A.Waiting)

-->   (Main.Running, A.Waiting)


Execution of the program “just say go”. Assumption: one CPU is available.


--> (Main.Running, A.Waiting)

--> (Main.Running, A.Waiting, B.Waiting)

--> (Main.Blocked, A.Waiting, B.Waiting)


--> (Main.Blocked, A.Waiting, B.Waiting)

--> (Main.Blocked, A.Running, B.Waiting)

--> (Main.Waiting, A.Blocked, B. Waiting)


--> (Main.Waiting, A.Blocked, B. Waiting)

--> (Main.Waiting, A.Blocked, B.Running)


Lambda’s (anonymous functions) in Go.

Revisiting the “just say go” example.

// Example with "lambda's" = anonymous functions in Go

package main

import "fmt"
import "time"

func thread(s string) {
    for {
        time.Sleep(1 * 1e9)

func main() {

    // Immediate execution of an anonymous function
    go func() {
        for {
            time.Sleep(1 * 1e9)


    // bFunc is a variable of function type!
    // Type automatically inferred
    bFunc := func() {
        for {
            time.Sleep(1 * 1e9)

    go bFunc()

Communication (“channels”)

Threads can communicate using channels, a new datatype in ‘go’. A value sent or received over a channel is called message. A channel can be unbuffered or buffered. A buffered channel can hold a finite number of messages in its buffer.

The following principles hold:

  1. A thread can send and receive messages on any channel it holds.

  2. A message can be received by exactly one thread.

  3. A recipient must necessarily wait for a message, unless a buffered message is available.

  4. A sender can continue, as long as the channel still has a buffer available. If the buffer is full (or the channel is unbuffered), the sender is blocked until a message is received from the channel.

See below for details.

Typed Channels

var ch chan int

We declare a variable ch as a channel. The values sent over this channel must be typed int.

Channel creation

ch = make(chan int)

We create a new channel using make. (Analogous to creating a new object.) The declaration var ch chan int attaches a closed channel to ch on which no operations can be executed.

Channel without/with buffer

There are two kinds of channels in Go: without buffer and with buffer. A buffer is a queue of messages.

ch1 = make(chan int)

ch2 = make(chan int, 50)

Channel ch1 is an unbuffered channel. Channel ch2 has buffer space for at most 50 messages.

The following rules hold for exchanging messages:

Hence, the difference is as follows:


ch <- y

Send value y on channel ch (a statement)


x = <- ch

Receive from channel ch and save the value in x (an expression, i.e., <- is a unary operator on channels)


package main

import "fmt"
import "time"

func snd(s string, ch chan int) {
    var x int = 0
    for {
        ch <- x
        fmt.Printf("%s sends %d \n", s, x)
        time.Sleep(1 * 1e9)


func rcv(ch chan int) {
    var x int
    for {
        x = <-ch
        fmt.Printf("received %d \n", x)



func main() {
    var ch chan int = make(chan int)
    go snd("A", ch)


Execution of the example (state-based)


--> (rcv.Running, snd.Waiting)

--> (rcv.Blocked_(<-ch?), snd.Waiting)

    Notation: in case of Blocked, the 'subscript' gives the reason

    <-ch?   Recipient is blocked
    ch<-1?  Sender is blocked

--> (rcv.Blocked_(<-ch?), snd.Running)

--> (rcv.Blocked_(<-ch?), snd.Blocked_(ch<-1?))

    First thread waits to receive a message.
    Second thread tries to send a message.

    We say that both threads can synchronize (a kind of "handshake" takes place).
    The message-exchange takes place and the threads are unblocked.

--> (rcv.Waiting, snd.Waiting)

--> (rcv.Running, snd.Waiting)


We consider the following variant (1 recipient, 2 senders).

func main() {
    var ch chan int = make(chan int)
    go snd("A", ch) // snd1
    go snd("B", ch) // snd2


--> (rcv.Running, snd1.Waiting)

--> (rcv.Running, snd1.Waiting, snd2.Waiting)

--> (rcv.Blocked_(<-ch?), snd1.Waiting, snd2.Waiting)

--> (rcv.Blocked_(<-ch?), snd1.Running, snd2.Waiting)

--> (rcv.Blocked_(<-ch?), snd1.Blocked_(ch<-1?), snd2.Waiting)

    Multiple possibilities:
    (1) rcv synchronizes with snd1, or
    (2) snd2 thread continues.

    We choose possibility (2)

--> (rcv.Blocked_(<-ch?), snd1.Blocked_(ch<-1?), snd2.Running)

--> (rcv.Blocked_(<-ch?), snd1.Blocked_(ch<-1?), snd2.Blocked_(ch<-1?))

    Multiple possibilities:
    (1) rcv synchronizes with snd1, or
    (2) rcv synchronizes with snd2.

    We choose possibility (1)

    [Background: The Go runtime system manages blocking recipients in a queue, so possibility (1) is most likely.]

--> (rcv.Waiting, snd1.Waiting, snd2.Blocked_(ch<-1?))


We consider another variant (channel with buffer)

func main() {
    var ch chan int = make(chan int, 1) // channel with buffer
    go snd("A", ch)


--> (rcv.Running, snd.Waiting)

--> (rcv.Blocked_(<-ch?), snd.Waiting)

--> (rcv.Blocked_(<-ch?), snd.Running)

    // Buffer filled with 1

--> (rcv.Blocked_(<-ch?), snd.Blocked_(Sleep(1s)?))

--> (rcv.Waiting, snd.Blocked_(Sleep(1s)?))

    // Buffer empty again

--> (rcv.Running, snd.Blocked_(Sleep(1s)?))


Another variant. Channel with buffer and snd without sleep.

func snd(s string, ch chan int) {
    var x int = 0
    for {
        ch <- x
        fmt.Printf("%s sends %d \n", s, x)


--> (rcv.Running, snd.Waiting)

--> (rcv.Blocked_(<-ch?), snd.Waiting)

--> (rcv.Blocked_(<-ch?), snd.Running)

    // Buffer filled with 1

--> (rcv.Blocked_(<-ch?), snd.Blocked_(ch<-2?))

    // Two possibilities
    // (a) rcv reads from channel, or
    // (b) directly from snd
    // Go runtime system chooses variant (a)
    // That is, in case of a buffered channel, the recipient synchronizes with the channel.

--> (rcv.Running, snd.Blocked_(ch<-2?))

    // Channel empty again

--> (rcv.Blocked_(<-ch?), snd.Blocked_(ch<-2?))

    // Again two possibilities
    // (a) snd writes to the channel, or
    // (b) passes the value directly to rcv
    // (a) is the Go variant (see above).

Restricted communication

Channel types can be annotated:

Only sending:

func snd(ch chan <- int) {

Only receiving:

func rcv(ch <- chan int) {

Example channel with and without buffer

package main

// Channel without buffer.
// Always gets stuck.
func test1() {
    ch := make(chan int)

    ch <- 1

// Channel without buffer.
// Sender synchronizes with recipient.
func test2() {
    ch := make(chan int)

    go func() {
        ch <- 1


// Channel without buffer.
// 2 senders, 1 recipient.
// May get stuck.
func test3() {
    ch := make(chan int)

    snd := func() { ch <- 1 }
    rcv := func() { <-ch }

    go snd()
    go rcv()


// Channel without buffer.
// 2 senders, 2 recipients.
func test4() {
    ch := make(chan int)

    snd := func() { ch <- 1 }
    rcv := func() { <-ch }

    go snd() // S1
    go snd() // S2
    rcv()    // R1 receives from S1 or S2
    rcv()    // R2
    // If R1 receives from S1, R2 receives from S2
    // If R1 receives from S2, R2 receives from S1


// Channel with buffer.
// Does not get stuck.
func test5() {
    ch := make(chan int, 1)

    ch <- 1

// Channel with buffer.
// Does not get stuck.
func test6() {
    ch := make(chan int, 2)

    ch <- 1
    ch <- 1
    ch <- 1

func main() {
    // test1()


Synchronous versus Asynchronous Communication

To repeat:

Both modes of communication are equivalent. That is, a channel with buffer can be emulated by channels without buffers. Well-known synchronization primitives (e.g., mutex) can be emulated using channels.

Exercise 1: Mutex

Go supports well-known synchronization primitives like mutex (mutual exclusion) and so on; see http://golang.org/pkg/sync/. However, mutexes and other primitives can be emulated using channels. (Most likely, the mutexes in the Go library are implemented more efficiently, but here we can show that Go could get away with providing only channels).

package main

import "fmt"

type Mutex (chan int)
func newMutex() Mutex
func lock(m Mutex)
func unlock(m Mutex)

var x int

func mySharedVar(y int, m Mutex) {
    for {
        x = y
        time.Sleep(1e6) // 1ms

func testMutex() {
    var m Mutex
    m = newMutex()

    go mySharedVar(1, m)
    mySharedVar(2, m)   

Next, try the same thing using a channel without buffer.

Exercise 2: Mutable Variable

Implement a mutable variable, with the following signature:

type MVar (chan int)
func newMVar(x int) MVar
func takeMVar(m MVar) int
func putMVar(m MVar, x int)

Note: using an MVar, we can easily emulate a mutex. How?

Complete MVar Example

func producer(m MVar) {
    var x int = 1
    for {
        time.Sleep(1 * 1e9)
        putMVar(m, x)

func consumer(m MVar) {
    for {
        var x int = takeMVar(m)
        fmt.Printf("Received %d \n", x)

func testMVar() {
    var m MVar

    m = newMVar(1)

    go producer(m)

